Hotel Casa Oropendola, Sierra Nevada Colombia
Looking for a private property in the heart of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta? Casa Oropendola is a private property settled in the middle of a dense rainforest and coffee fields. Also if weather allows, you can also have a perfect view of the ocean.
A variety of flora and fauna can be found all around the property creating a shelter created by the cloud forest making it the ideal destination for nature lovers. 
Programs in this property include a three meal package with the best cuisine of the region. A perfect place to take a break during a rigorous adventure trip in Colombia, experiencing tranquility while the clouds rise from the mountains, enter the cozy house, and end up slowly fading up into the sky for you to admire a breathtaking sunset.
One of the unique attractions we definitely recommend is taking the helicopter ride over the archeological site of the Lost City and the Tayrona National Park.

Published in February, 2021

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