Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism

The company Pure! Travel Group, represented by Mr. Bram Evers, identified with the Ecuadorian identification number (cédula) 171870858-7, has committed to the following Code of Conduct.

The exploitation of human beings in any form, especially sexually and in particular when it affects children, violates the fundamental objectives of tourism. Furthermore, it constitutes a denial of the contribution of tourism to the development of our country, the improvement of its people’s well-being, the dignity of its inhabitants, and the protection of its natural and cultural resources. It is vital to prevent situations that affect the sustainability and the human and economic development of the country.

Our efforts follow international ethics, as established by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, American Convention on Human Rights, Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, Stockholm Declaration against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, and others.

In compliance with the laws of the states of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina that protect the rights of minors and with the full endorsement of our managers and employees, we formally declare that:

  1. We reject the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, in general, and in particular relation to travel and tourism, in the six countries PURE! TRAVEL GROUP operates in and in the rest of the world.
  2. We denounce and condemn those who use tourism and its facilities and services they offer, promote, facilitate, and/or tolerate sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.


We determine:

Article 1: Purpose

The following code is a formal declaration free of adhesion that aims to establish the norms for all people working at the company PURE! TRAVEL GROUP on the protection of children and adolescents related to all forms of sexual exploitation associated with travel and tourism.

Article 2: Definitions

For all the purposes of this code we adopt the following definitions:

  • Children and adolescents: Considered as ‘children’ are all human beings from their conception until the age of twelve, and as ‘adolescent’ from 12 to 18 years old.
  • Sexual exploitation of children and adolescents: Considers the crime that in various forms is criminalized and includes activities, such as sex tourism, child pornography, exhibitions, and obscene publications involving minors.

Child sex tourism: Considers a criminal offense that disqualifies promoting, publishing, facilitating, or favoring the sexual tourism of children and adolescents, through any printed, visual, audible, or electronic medium, with the purpose of offering sexual services.

Article 3: Obligations

Under virtue of this code, in order to take the necessary measures to protect children and adolescents against sexual exploitation, the people who confirm to be part of PURE! TRAVEL GROUP commits to:

  1. Publish a policy of ethics expressing the position of PURE! TRAVEL GROUP against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  2. Develop ethical cooperate policies against any form of the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, and do not favor people or companies involved consciously or unconsciously in related activities.
  3. Include clauses in all contracts with clients and suppliers in every part of our administration, explicitly declaring the rejection of any form of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  4. Act as agents of prevention, facilitating the training of the employees of the company to empower them with knowledge so they act against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  5. Inform our clients and providers about our position against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  6. Report to the authorities in charge the acquaintance with or suspicion of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.

This commitment is signed on the 11th of October 2016. Amended on the 3rd of June 2021.

Bram Evers

General Manager of Pure! Travel Group

And all managers and employees of PURE! TRAVEL GROUP in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina.

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